Total 12 Chapters
Following is a small synopsis what you will get in the 'Exhibition Success Tool Kit'.
These are few chapters and their ideas for your perusal.
Enhancing Exhibition Booth
In this chapter, we have shared how important it is to plan the journey of a Visitor inside your booth and how you should define the touch points for interactions.
Promoting Your Company - Pre Exhibition
No matter how great you have designed your booth, but if you don't have the foot fall in your booth, all that goes waste, know how you can avoid that.
Generating Enquiries - During Exhibition
95% of the exhibitors participate to generate business enquiries, and if you are just gonna put Visiting Cards in a Fish bowl, you are gonna be at Loss. See how you can optimise your participation.
Measuring Results
Many exhibitors, conduct great exhibitions, however they fail to put the winners and the losers on the paper for the next exhibition to be better. See how you can measure the success of the exhibition.
Turn General Visitors into Business Opportunities
One Small Addition from our end.
Capturing the Visitors details at an exhibition is one of the key aspect shared in the Tool Kit, I would like you to try our Lead Retrieval tool, free for your upcoming exhibition.
See how it can help you to turn General Visitors to Business Enquiries.