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LeadCon = Lead + Conversion, its a tool designed to help sales teams across the globe to have an easy way of capturing and converting leads into sales. The leadCon tool is designed with 2 major aspects, capturing a new lead and converting Lead into sale.
There are two apps which define the LeadCon system,
Data CollectionZ App: Where a sales person is able to collect/capture a lead by scanning a visiting card, QR Code, Adhar card and also by Manual Entry. Its the only App where there is an integration of a custom form which is directly added into the system from the backend, and a special facility to capture the suggestion that were given to the customer while prospecting the sale.
CallR App: This tool is one of the best tools in the world which is designed to automate sales followup. Its a tool where all the 5 major modes of communication are integrated into one app. A user using the CallR tool is able to Call | eMail | SMS | WhatsApp and also connect via Social Media personally adding to the H2H - Human to Human aspect of business. Through CallR, the user is also able to send meeting invites on email, sms and WhatsApp. The user is able to navigate himself through Google Maps to the customers location and also give presentations from the same tool giving mobility to the sales executive.
LeadCon Platform: The LeadCon platform is the most advanced tool designed to support managers across the globe, as now they don’t have to run behind the sales people to update status of leads, because Lead Status is updated realtime while the sales person is working on the lead. The mangers tool help the user to download the data captured into CSV/Excel making it easier for him to directly upload to the CRM/ERP softwares already integrated. Incase there is no ERP/CRM software, the managers portal itself works as a portal for the same.
The core objective of the LeadCon Platform is to automate the donkey work in sales and to help sales teams to work more on the H2H - Human to Human part of business.
LeadCon is designed to make the sales process Hassle Free and confident with predefined elements added into the system which are designed with reference to the international experts suggestions and guidance.
The Handshake between Data CollectionZ and CallR is an integral part which make the process easy and simple.
Time: The LeadCon platform helps to save atlas 1.5 to 2 hrs of work prepay which is involved majorly in planning the day, donkey work involved in following up through email, sms, whatsapps, etc. and also the work involved in updating status of leads everyday.
All the above points are automated in the tool which saves time drastically on the sales process. Capturing New Leads: Earlier people used to fill forms, staple visiting cards, give suggestions over notebooks and then all these elements used to be dispersed into various places having no relation between the personal information, the interest showcased or the suggestions given.
LeadCon Tool has transformed the Lead Capturing method and has made it the most systematic yet user-friendly tool, where the lead can be captured via Visiting Card, QR Code, Adhar Card and also manual entry. The custom form builder helps in developing different forms for different requirements based on products/services/occasions.
Converting Leads:
All the 5 major modes of communication such as Call | eMail | SMS | WhatsApp | Social Media are now integrated into one app making it easier for users to know, what was the sales flow and where has the lead reached with respect to the sales funnel. This not only helps in saving time but also to keep a track of the leads which helps in taking necessary actions for converting a lead into sale.
Meeting Invites: There are very few times when a customer gives time for a personal meeting. Its very crucial to lock this meeting with a professional meeting invite and getting an acceptance of the customer on the same ensures the commitment of his time for the meeting. The Meeting Invite module makes it possible to send quick meeting invites and also get acknowledgements from the customer on the basis of acceptance.
Navigation Tool:
In today’s day and age its very important to reach customer in time and at the right place. The navigation tool helps in getting directions from Google Maps on the basis of the name of the company or the address of the company from the same app. Once you reach the customers destination and you acknowledge the same by clicking on ’Reached Destination’ a custom google maps pin is activated for the customer so that you don’t have to search next time again for the customer address on google maps. This also helps incase the lead is forwarded to someone else for conversion.